Not sure what you mean by misses a test?  The code I modified is in the class, but the current tests that exercise that code 
are in  Seems like a bit of a weird cross-over, but a 
pre-existing condition.  MulticastConnectionFactory contains a static subclass 
URIs with methods that are called by the HTTP related connection code.

I could move the test somewhere else, but there was already a test in 
HttpConnectionTest (httpBasicSpecificConfig) that tested the exact code I had 
to modify.  The existing test didn't include an ampersand in the test data.  I 
added a new test that does include an ampersand which fails without the 
modification to MulticastConnectionFactory.  Both the existing & new tests pass 
with the change to MulticastConnectionFactory.

It does seem a little odd that the Http connection code ends up in a class with 
"multicast" in the name, but that's a much deeper change than I feel 
comfortable attempting at this point.


> On Oct 2, 2017, at 13:15, Zachary Bedell <> wrote:
> Sorry for the delay in submitting this.  I've not had much luck building & 
> passing the unit test suite for the full TomEE build.  Currently failing with 
> " HTTP 415 Unsupported Media Type" in 
> OpenEJB :: Examples :: REST XML JSON.  Is there any documentation in terms of 
> what's expected for the build environment for TomEE?  Any Docker or other 
> devops-ish canned configurations?  I'm trying on a fresh Ubuntu 17.04 VM with 
> JDK 8u144 and the master branch cloned.
> In any case, I got far enough for the "OpenEJB :: Server :: Client" tests to 
> run and fail with my added unit test.  Included patch fixes the problem and 
> passes the new unit test.  No additional failures with my patch beyond the 
> Unsupported Media Type which failed for me with a fresh clone before changing 
> anything.
> Sent via PR #104 on Github.
> Best regards,
> Zac Bedell
>> On Sep 20, 2017, at 15:19, Romain Manni-Bucau <> wrote:
>> then
>> was supposed to cover it but happy to get it enhanced ;)
>> Romain Manni-Bucau
>> @rmannibucau <> |  Blog
>> <> | Old Blog
>> <> | Github <> 
>> |
>> LinkedIn <> | JavaEE Factory
>> <>
>> 2017-09-20 21:17 GMT+02:00 Zachary Bedell <>:
>>> I'll give it a shot.  Running into some trouble getting stock tests to
>>> pass on Mac OS and separate problems behind a corporate proxy.  Spinning a
>>> Linux VM on the open WiFi to try.
>>> FWIW, we're not using multicast for this.  I just looks like
>>> HttpConnectionFactory calls the URI utility methods physically located in
>>> the static URI class on MulticastConnectionFactory.  Otherwise this is
>>> https with sticky failover.
>>> -Zac
>>>> On Sep 20, 2017, at 12:50, Romain Manni-Bucau <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Zachary
>>>> We have some coverage for it in
>>> openejb-client/src/test/java/org/apache/openejb/client/
>>>> Multicast not being used that often with http (more likely with ejbd) we
>>>> didnt test it, do you want to try to add a test and fix?
>>>> Le 20 sept. 2017 18:28, "Zachary Bedell" <> a écrit
>>> :
>>>> Greetings all,
>>>> Pretty sure I found a bug in the way
>>>> org.apache.openejb.client.MulticastConnectionFactory
>>>> decodes URL parameters.  The final result of the issue is that if you use
>>>> HTTP basic authentication when calling ServerServlet and
>>>> openejb.ejbd.authenticate-with-request=true, you can't login with a
>>>> password that contains an ampersand character.
>>>> The flow looks something like:
>>>> 1) Create a new IntitialContext with PROVIDER_URL set to
>>>> failover:sticky+random:https://myserver/ejb/invoke?basic.
>>>> username=xyz&basic.password=pass%26word
>>>> a) /ejb/invoke is where I have org.apache.openejb.server.
>>> httpd.ServerServlet
>>>> mapped
>>>> b) web.xml on that mapping requires BASIC auth.
>>>> c) key part of URL is the literal password "pass&word" URL encoded with
>>>> ampersand -> %26
>>>> 2) TomEE internals eventually end up at HttpConnectionFactory$
>>> HttpConnection's
>>>> constructor where line 76 calls:
>>>>      params = MulticastConnectionFactory.URIs.parseParamters(uri);
>>>>      By this time, various unwrapping has paired the URL down to:
>>>>      https://myserver/ejb/invoke?basic.username=xyz&basic.
>>>> password=pass%26word
>>>> 3) MulticastConnectionFactory...parseParameters, IE line 136:
>>>>      return uri.getQuery() == null ? new HashMap<String, String>(0) :
>>>> parseQuery(stripPrefix(uri.getQuery(), "?"));
>>>> That calls URI.getQuery() which decodes the URI's query string, then
>>> passes
>>>> that into parseQuery() which splits up the query parameters delimited by
>>>> ampersands.  The call to URI.getQuery() is the problem.  For the above
>>> URI,
>>>> the result is:
>>>>      basic.username=xyz&basic.password=pass&word
>>>>      The ampersand in the query parameter basic.password is decoded and
>>>> then indistinguishable from a query parameter separator.  When passed
>>> into
>>>> parseQuery, the resulting value for basic.password is just "pass".
>>>> Since MulticastConnectionFactory$URIs::parseQuery already calls
>>>> URLDecoder.decode() on both name and value pairs, the call in
>>>> parseParameters should be to URI::getRawQuery() instead of getQuery().  I
>>>> think there's also a possible double decoding issue here which could
>>>> corrupt certain values by decoding the value a second time.
>>>> For the time being, I think I can work around this by passing the
>>>> authorization query parameter with the user:pass already base64 encoded.
>>>> Pretty sure this should be a complete & safe fix:
>>>> diff --git a/server/openejb-client/src/main/java/org/apache/openejb/
>>> client/
>>>> b/server/openejb-client/src/
>>>> main/java/org/apache/openejb/client/
>>>> index 22f2f86a6a..eedb54840e 100644
>>>> --- a/server/openejb-client/src/main/java/org/apache/openejb/client/
>>>> +++ b/server/openejb-client/src/main/java/org/apache/openejb/client/
>>>> @@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ public class MulticastConnectionFactory implements
>>>> ConnectionFactory {
>>>>       }
>>>>       public static Map<String, String> parseParamters(final URI uri)
>>>> throws URISyntaxException {
>>>> -            return uri.getQuery() == null ? new HashMap<String,
>>> String>(0)
>>>> : parseQuery(stripPrefix(uri.getQuery(), "?"));
>>>> +            return uri.getQuery() == null ? new HashMap<String,
>>> String>(0)
>>>> : parseQuery(stripPrefix(uri.getRawQuery(), "?"));
>>>>       }
>>>>       public static String stripPrefix(final String value, final String
>>>> prefix) {
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Zac Bedell

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