> On Mar 8, 2019, at 5:39 AM, COURTAULT Francois 
> <francois.courta...@gemalto.com> wrote:
> Regarding the policy I would choose, most probably : Take the explicitly 
> mapped roles, add them on top of the "implicit" roles
> But still I would have some concerns with this solution because you would 
> have 2 ways to define/declare roles either by the groups claim and by the 
> roles claims which could bring some confusion.

That would be my gut preference as well.  Having the groups that were being 
enforced suddenly now "erased" through an add could get confusing to a novice.

I definitely see the same concerns about there being more than one way to do 
it.  There's a similar discussion/decision that was made in the Java EE 
Security specification on implicit roles -- treating groups as roles in 
relation to @RolesAllowed checks.

In the back of my mind I have a feeling @RolesAllowed is overall legacy.  In a 
JWT world, which I expect to last at least 10 years of dominance, really naming 
individual claims is what you want.  There could be an @ClaimAllowed annotation 
that says the claim name and the allowed values.

As tempting as that is to introduce, an idea I have cooking in the back of my 
mind is ... are we really looking at a bean validation use case?  What if we 
treated the JWT as a bean and allowed people to apply bean validation rules to 
it?  Bean Validation has pretty much solved the problem of how to apply (and 
reuse) business rules to a (potentially complicated) data structure and get a 
single thumbs-up or thumbs-down.

I don't know how that would look yet, but there's definitely something to the 


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