Hello everyone,

We have 2 microservices: one using TomEE Plus and the other using TomEE MP.
These 2 µS don't use at all OpenTracing features: no @Trace ....
We have no memory issue with the µS using TomEE Plus. This is strange because 
TomEE Plus  somehow is a superset of TomEE MP.

The issue is due to the usage of 
org.apache.geronimo.microprofile.opentracing.impl.ScopeImpl but we don't know 
what trigger that usage.
We also see a lot of org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread (don't know 
where it comes from) which uses the above ScopeImpl.

I can provide you some memory dumps if you want .

Is there a way to disable opentracing in TomEE MP ?

Best Regards.

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