> On Jan 13, 2021, at 5:31 AM, COURTAULT Francois 
> <francois.courta...@thalesgroup.com> wrote:
> Hello David,
> Just my point of view that I want to share with you.
> Of course not everyone is using µServices architecture but there is some 
> traction on that.
> For example, we have migrated 2 of our solutions from monolith to µServices 
> architecture and we are using for the moment TomEE 8.0.5.
> So , for our organization, MP specifications are quite important. The 
> consequence is that we are waiting for a close following of the 
> specifications as they evolved. David, as you said, TomEE 8.0.5 is in between 
> 2.1/2.2 MP specifications. But it's too old ! :-(
> The version 4.0.1 has just been released, between 2.2 and 4.0.1, 5 MP 
> specifications releases have been published.
> I am afraid that if you don't put some priority on MP, most of the people, 
> wanting to build a Java µService architecture, will use Quarkus or Helidon 
> for such thing instead of using TomEE !    For example, following MP 
> specifications as much as possible, is more important than having a full 
> compliancy with Jakarta EE 8 or 9. Ask the question to the community and 
> let's see the answers ? 
> Again I just want to share my feelings about the TomEE roadmap.

I understand and share you frustration.  I'll add that once a project like this 
one is so far behind, it actually makes it harder to recover as fewer people 
come here and that leads to even fewer resources.  Your disadvantages pile up 
and compound on each other and it can make things feel quite hopeless.  It 
takes a lot of determination to keep going against such terrible odds.  It also 
takes a dalai lama level of zen to not direct that frustration at those who 
offer suggestions on how you can do better with what little you have and go 
silent when the topic comes up on how they can do better and contribute the 
little they have.

I appreciate you mean well and truly do want the project to be stronger.

TomEE was built by people in their spare time (including me) and we seemed to 
hover around 1.5 FTEs in aggregate across a small handful of people.  We're 
still at that level of resources.  We could have a large community discussion 
on how those people spend their time, but I don't think more opinions will help 
them and will likely discourage them.

Rather thank asking the community what they want most, I'd be more interested 
in knowing how we can help them contribute what they want.

If you have any suggestions I'm very willing to hear them.


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