
Compiler target is Java 8 for TomEE 8.x [1].

Did not test with 18, 19 or 20 (depends on asm to recognize newer class 
versions and if TomEE uses deprecated features which are removed in those 
versions). If someone would like to test ;)

Runs fine with Java 17 for me. 


[1] https://github.com/apache/tomee/blob/tomee-8.x/pom.xml#L446

Am 5. Juli 2023 18:52:04 MESZ schrieb COURTAULT Francois 
>Looking at https://tomee.apache.org/tomee-8.0/docs/installing-tomee.html
>It seems that TomEE 8.0.x might run on java 6 and 7: someone could confirm ?
>But at https://tomee.apache.org/
>It is written "Runs on Java 8 or higher."
>Does it mean that TomEE running on Java 8 and superior, up to 20, is also 
>supported ?
>Best Regards.

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