Hi Team,

We are in the process of evaluating TomEE 8.x to TomEE 9.x / 10.x upgrade..
I have a couple of queries before we can take any wise decision -

1) We are running the application on JDK 17 and compiled our code with JDK8
- Does TomEE 9.x have any issues if the application code is compiled with
JAVA 1.8.x ?

2) We are having many references to *javax.** within the application and
also using a bunch of third-party jars which are javax compatible, our plan
is to move to TomEE 9.x and check if it works without *javax.* *to*
jakarta.** migration within our code ?

Is Jakarta namespace migration mandatory if deploying the application on
TomEE 9.x ?
The above would include migration of third-party jars as well based on the
core container for us (i.e., TomEE 8.x / 9.x).

3) TomEE 9.x seems to be using Tomcat 9.x that works on javax namespace so
our next proposal is to see, If TomEE 9.x works with Tomcat 10.x or Is it
tightly coupled with Tomcat 9.x only ?

Please advise.

Thank you in advance!

Nikhil Somasani

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