> newer versions are so incredibly slow in dev mode
I can assure you that Dev/Prod mode works very very swiftly on 8.0.15
for sizable applications. For example, I have a giant application
(thousands of LOC, 50+ jsf views) that has sub-8ms response times
(minus database time). More than likely they are doing something they
should not be doing with JSF apis and are causing problems.

I would check the obvious things first with VisualVM: heap size, gc
frequency, etc. You can also run their profiler and see if you can
spot anything immediately obvious.

After that, the easiest way to locate the code slowing you down is
bisection. Cut half the code out, run, and continue cutting until you
can locate the problematic code. Then after that, isolate a test case
where flipping a boolean flag triggers the issue and post the results

I would get ahold of: https://www.tomitribe.com who are literal
experts in this stuff. They offer professional services to handle
exactly these situations and can work directly in your codebase to
help you find and fix the problem.

On Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 5:48 AM Jens Zurawski <j...@diegurus.de> wrote:
> Hi altogether,
> I'm new to this list and hope it's the right place to ask this question.
> If not, and someone know the right place to ask this, please give advise.
> I'm developing a big JSF Application for a customer. It's a long running
> project and development and when I started with it, TomEE 8.0.6 was the
> most recent Version of TomEE. The switch to Jakarta is planned for next
> year, so I'm still on the 8.x path for the time being and wasn't able to
> test if this problem still exists in the 9.x branch.
> The problem:
> On the customers site I'm with the latest TomEE version 8.0.15 (running
> on Java 11) and everything works fine, because it is running in
> production mode. But in my development environment I'm still stuck with
> 8.0.6, because there I need the development mode
> (javax.faces.PROJECT_STAGE: Development). I need to be able to see
> changes in facelets without restarting everything everytime, and to get
> more detailed error messages.
> My attempts to update my dev TomEE to something newer than 8.0.6 all
> failed, because all (at least all I've tested so far) newer versions are
> so incredibly slow in dev mode, that it's unbearable to use the
> application. Several very looong seconds on every request (even the
> little AJAX requests in a view) is simply not a practical environment.
> After switching to Production mode everything works very fast, and all
> my views have response times of very few ms (even the big ones with max.
> around 400ms). When switching back to Development mode I have response
> times of up to 30s on big views. Not with 8.0.6, there even in
> development mode it's reasonable fast in not getting higher than 1s.
> My question:
> What causes this enormous performance degradation? I'm hoping, it is
> just a configuration which now has another default value or the like. If
> yes, maybe someone can point me in the right direction of where to find
> this configuration? If it's not a configuration thing: what can I do to
> get around this?
> I haven't tested all Versions of TomEE from 8.0.6 to 8.0.15, so I can't
> say at what version exactly this behaviour changes. If it helps or is
> needed, I can make some tests to find the exact version where this
> happens. Versions I've already tested are: 8.0.12, 8.0.13 and 8.0.15.
> All of them are very slow in dev mode. If you need more information,
> I'll try to provide it.
> Thanks in advance for any help
> cu
> Jens

Jonathan | exabr...@gmail.com
Pessimists, see a jar as half empty. Optimists, in contrast, see it as
half full.
Engineers, of course, understand the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.

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