Hi Bart,

I have to admit that documentation is not exactly my core competence. ;-)

But I'll try to at least write down the pitfalls, workarounds and hopefully solutions on my way. I'm still hoping I will not be the only one joining the project and trying to contribute, so a kind of shared Wiki maybe good for this.


Am 25.03.2024 um 11:39 schrieb Bart van Leeuwen:
Hi Jens,

I would be extremely grateful if you could document your experience and
lessons learned somewhere

Met Vriendelijke Groet / With Kind Regards
Bart van Leeuwen

From:   "Jens Zurawski" <j...@diegurus.de>
To:     users@tomee.apache.org
Date:   25-03-2024 10:41
Subject:        Re: Question: Can I donate to an Apache project? (was Re:
Will Tomee be discontinued ?)

Hi Richard,

oh, that sounds like a lot of "fun" ;-)

Thank you, that you shed some light. So this definitely can't be done by
the way and one has to focus a significant amount of time without
interruption in order to make some positive progress. Not impossible it
just makes it a bit harder to find suitable time slices especially as a
newbie because I have no clue how high the hill is I have to climb.

But just lamenting around will not help in any way, so I think I will
try to dive into this project and see if I can be of any help. If not I
will have wasted some time at most. It's worth the try.

I'll continue my "questionary" on this in the dev@ list then. But it'll
take some two or three weeks until this, because I have some other nasty
deadlines in sight the next weeks.


Am 22.03.2024 um 20:44 schrieb Richard Zowalla:

you actually need to choose the right branch on that repository. Some
of these tests require specific settings to be present (only available
on some branches) and assume certain locale / enviroment conditions
(most of them aren't documented in the README). I had a lot of pain
running TCK tests for 8.x and 9.1.x on my de_DE Ubuntu machine ;-) (and
yes, I also had the bsdtar issue). Another thing is, that a run polutes
your TCK installation, so I ended up putting it under a local git and
clean it after each run ;-)

Getting the old TCK to run, is a bit of a pain. Even if you are doing
everything right, it sometimes also depends on the JDK version you have
on your machine (for 9.1.1, I had some pain because of a bug in the JDK
HTTP client resulting in TCK tests to fail due to a change in CXF).

Long story short: Given that most TCK/specs migrated towards
arquillian/junit/testng, setting up and running the TCK for TomEE 10,
is now a totally different thing than before. Some of the quirks and
properties / configs (and hacks) can be copied over or need to be
added. A good example for that procedere is [1], in which Benedict and
myself did a trial and error approach to get the JAX-RS E10 TCK set up.

We would need to do that for the other relevant spec TCKs inside of
TomEE too, but this is "Neuland" (new area) for everyone involved. Some
of these modern TCKs are straightforward (eg. BatchEE TCK), but others
require a more sophisticated setup. It involves looking into the TCK
guide, looking into other projects (how they do it), copying / checking
quirks required for TomEE inside the old TCK (system properties, etc.)
and trying to get it setup and run it. It is really a try and error
process. The signature tests are more or less "quick" wins, but
sometimes also require some hackery :/

I guess, that the place to ask questions is the dev@ list. If it
requires a more sync way of communicating, Slack might also be an
opton. A synchronous meeting might work too, but is limited to
timezone, etc.


[1] https://github.com/apache/tomee/pull/1063

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