On Sat, 2005-01-22 at 15:39 -0500, Jason 'XenoPhage' Frisvold wrote:
> Ron Guerin wrote:
> >Oh well, I tried. ;)
> >
> >If I'm the only one who cares, then I'm sure you're right.   And it's a
> >small enough change that it's not a big deal for me to do it when
> >there's a new version.  I just try to make all patching a last resort.
> >  
> >
> You could always submit a patch and ask Bill to include it in the distro 
> :)  Bill's a nice guy, he does stuff like that once in a while.. *grin*

You don't have to convince me. I know it.  I use the Toaster.

I'd submit a patch but I'm under the impression I haven't made the case
for it being worth accepting.

- Ron

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