On Tuesday 01 Feb 2005 18:58, Brian wrote:
> Ok.. (like you didn't know this was coming.. )
> Where would I find out how to do it?
> hostname *.blah.domain.name
> type A
> address
> gives this error:
>   "*.blah.domain.name." is not a valid A record name

You will need to edit functions.php
line 135 in the function check_domain_name_format
     $result = ereg("^[\.a-z0-9-]+$", strtolower($name));
     $result = ereg("^[\*\.a-z0-9-]+$", strtolower($name));

in other words add a \* to the regex. the backslash escapes the * so that it 
is evaluated literally

Then in records get rid of all subdomains if any, then add one with * and it 
goes in to the database, at least it just did here...

Wether it will appear correctly in the tinydns data file I shall leave to you 
to report back ;-)

> when I use \*.blah.domain.name I get this error:
> "\\*.blah.domain.name." is not a valid A record name
> the tinydns-data page looks like it's an A record.
> where would I be able to find that information on how to add a wildcard
> entry?  I didn't see anything in the archives.
> Thanks in advance

Bob Hutchinson
Midwales dot com

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