Thanks for the response.  Yes I am using Wicket 1.3 Beta 2.  I First mapped
the WAR at root, and let everything fall through Apache with JkUnMounts
(i.e. JkUnMount /images default), but the issue is I could not solve the
problem of I did not want / served by wicket.

Basically it comes down to this.  I cannot seem to make a reference to
Wicket page on a path  from my static home page because the relative path is "/" .  I need the Wicket
components to render under /myapp even from requests coming from / .

Al Maw wrote:
> Chris Lintz wrote:
>> I have a non-Wicket domain lets say, .  This domain
>> passes
>> requests to the Wicket filter via mod_jk to this path:
>> .  The home page on is completely
>> static except for a wicket form that is dyamically written via a Java
>> script
>> document write (i.e. <script
>> src="/myapp?wicket:bookmarkablePage=:com.mysite.LoginFormSnippet".).  We
>> dont want the entire domain of to be "Wicketized", hence
>> the small snipppet writen via the script tag.  
>> The problem is everything wicket related is written from the relative
>> path
>> (i.e. "/" ) not with the /myapp prefixed in front. Therefore, the
>> component,
>> Wicket Javascript references, etc are broke because of the relative path. 
>> What can I possibly do to over come this?
> Are you using Wicket 1.2.x?
> In 1.3.0 all the paths wicket generates are relative not absolute, so 
> this should all Just Work.
> An alternative here is to use Wicket 1.3's filter support, so you map it 
> to /* but let most requests just fall through to your static resources.
> Regards,
> Al
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