Ok, I think may see the start of my problem.  I have been unable to setup a
WicketFilter with JkMount /myapp* .   I have only been able to successfully
use the WicketWilter if my JkMount is "JkMount /* default" for example.  I
have been trying exactly what you mention below but to no success (sorry for
the confusion):

-- Run a Wicket webapp on http://appserver.com:8080/
--    (Note that's a root context path.)
--  - Map Wicket to the root using servlet mapping/filter mapping of "/*".
--  - Pass requests from an Apache which land on www.mydomain.com through
--    to the Apache, unless they land on /myapp/*, in which case send them
--    to Wicket.

Here is my filter:



Here is JkMount:
     <IfModule mod_jk.c>
         JkMount /myapp* default
         JkMount /myapp/* default
         JkUnMount /images default

If i could get this to work, I bet all of my hard to explain issues go away. 
Those JkMounts above result in 404 errors.  I have no mod_rewrites of any
sort that would be interfering.  If I do this though, it works 

      <IfModule mod_jk.c>
         JkMount  /* default
         JkUnMount /images

I have no mod_rewrites or anything that would conflict.  I am viewing the
source of the WicketFilter and see the filterMappingUrlPattern which i why I
included it web.xml init params, although it is not mentioned on the
migration docs: 

So, rather than confuse you any more, is it obvious from the the above why
the Filter only works when I JkMount /* default ?  If I could get it to
JkMount /myapp* default, all of my relative path issues would most likely go
away according to what you have explained. 

Thanks again

Al Maw wrote:
> Chris Lintz wrote:
>> Thanks for the response.  Yes I am using Wicket 1.3 Beta 2.  I First
>> mapped
>> the WAR at root, and let everything fall through Apache with JkUnMounts
>> (i.e. JkUnMount /images default), but the issue is I could not solve the
>> problem of I did not want / served by wicket.
>> Basically it comes down to this.  I cannot seem to make a reference to
>> Wicket page on a path www.mydomain.com/myapp  from my static home page
>> www.mydomain.com because the relative path is "/" .  I need the Wicket
>> components to render under /myapp even from requests coming from / .
> OK. I'm slightly confused at the moment, because you haven't quite 
> specified well enough how you're trying to achieve this. Please could 
> you clarify the following points:
>   - What context path is your app running in? Is it the root?
>   - Is Wicket running using a filter or a servlet?
>   - Is Wicket mapped to "/myapp/*" in web.xml?
>   - What is your mod_jk forwarding set-up, exactly?
>     - You say you're forwarding from www.mydomain.com to
>       www.mydomain.com/myapp, but obviously you're not quite,
>       as otherwise you'd just get an infinite loop there. ;)
>     - Specifically, where are your wildcards if there are any?
> You seem to be concentrate too much on the specifics of what's wrong 
> with your set-up, rather than what you're trying to achieve here.
> As far as I can tell, you want to do the following:
>   - Run a Wicket webapp on http://appserver.com:8080/
>     (Note that's a root context path.)
>   - Map Wicket to the root using servlet mapping/filter mapping of "/*".
>   - Pass requests from an Apache which land on www.mydomain.com through
>     to the Apache, unless they land on /myapp/*, in which case send them
>     to Wicket.
>   - You don't want your static resources served from within Tomcat.
> Is that right?
> Even if that's so, I still don't understand what specific issue you're 
> having. Actually giving us some URLs might be illustrative here.
> If you get a request for this:
>   - www.myserver.com/myapp/path/to/mounted/page/
> Assuming your context path is "/", that will get mapped to:
>   - appserver.com:8080/path/to/mounted/page/
> If you add a HeaderContributor with a ResourceReferences, or something 
> similar, Wicket will give you URLs relative to that, so something like 
> this in your generated HTML:
>   - href="../../../../resources/com.company.HomePage/foo.css"
> This will resolve to the following in your browser:
>   - www.myserver.com/myapp/resources/com.company.HomePage/foo.css
> ...which is perfectly correct, as obviously Wicket needs to handle that.
> So what exactly is going wrong for you here?
> You say:
>>>> The problem is everything wicket related is written from the 
>>>> relative path (i.e. "/" ) not with the /myapp prefixed in front. 
>>>> Therefore, the component, Wicket Javascript references, etc are 
>>>> broke because of the relative path.
> Broken how? Give us some specifics. This stuff should work just fine. 
> You may be having issues with 302 redirects going to the wrong place, or 
> cookie paths, but it doesn't sound like it. See the wiki page on 
> mod_proxy for details.
> Sorry, but better and less ambiguous question asking is required here...
> Regards,
> Al
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