> I personally feel more in control with Tapestry since every part of the
> framework can be tweaked, overridden and enhanced easily once you know
> your way around the framework

Wicket can be tweaked in every imaginable way either, but some things
are easier than others.

> and you have full control of what objects are stored on the session

Even that is true for Wicket (see ISessionStore), though you'll always
have to deal with some overhead.

> With Wicket I can quickly start developing pages but it feels like I
> need to think much harder about how to do things without filling up the
> Session with data,

Unfortunately, that's an assumption that many people make. But say
that you're not worried about optimizing and one session means about
100kb (on the high side, as with optimizing in my experience you
should be able to bring that to 15-30kb)... That means you can support
10,000 concurrent sessions with one gig of RAM.

I think if there is anything a bit more tricky with Wicket compared to
other frameworks, it is bookmarkability. To the upside, everything you
do with Wicket is safe by default. The downside is that it is not
bookmarkable by default.

> since it tries much harder to be smart for you behind
> the scenes. It does this to make the developers more productive, but I
> don't always trust that kind of smartness and I'm always afraid that any
> List I'm showing gets stored on the session without me knowing about it.
> I'm probably just a control-freak and this is just part of the Wicket
> learning curve. I'm sure I'll feel more comfortable once I get to know
> it better.

It's ok to be a control freak about it. But you should measure, not go
by your hunch. :)

> That said, once you know Tapestry, it is very productive and really a
> pleasure to use. As is Wicket from what I've seen so far.

Best thing about both is that they are component oriented frameworks.
Big improvement over model 2 frameworks imho.


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