chickabee wrote:
Thanks for the great idea.

Note that this is displayed fairly prominently on the web site at under "QuickStart".

It believe it will be good to put a few of the  examples application in
their own folders and war files so that they can be studied independently
without the clutter of 20 projects.

We used to have this, however, grouping all the examples into one project has several big advantages:

 - Getting all the examples running in your IDE is much easier.
 - We don't have ten extra projects to manage the build files for.
 - We can easily link to all the examples from a single page.

Another thing I notice is that maven is  the default build tool used for
wicket, I guess it will be good to provide the ant build.xml, just in case
someone does not want full maven features.

I think we need to write a page on this on the web site that we can send people to. ;-)

An Ant build for Wicket isn't special. If you don't know how to use Ant, it's not our job to show you. There are no magic custom Ant tasks we provide, or JSP pre-compilation steps, or anything like that. All you need is to compile your app with the necessary dependencies, just like any other Java app. You'll also need your web.xml, etc. just like any other Java web app. Nothing special here.



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