Hi Zenrique:

See below...

On 9/15/07, Zenrique Steckelberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My suggestions to this nice compont:
> - allow beanprops files to be reloaded while app is running. How it stands
> now I have to restart the app everytime a change to beanprop file is made,
> it can be time consuming.

Tomcat will reload the application automatically right now if you change
beanprops, much like a class change. This takes a second or two depending on
the size of your app. If your not using Tomcat, I can look at having the
file reload (it is currently cached). What app server/servlet engine are you

- allow constructor to accept models besides beans too, if possible. I am
> trying to integrate WWB with databinder, and it would be useful to pass
> HibernateListModels to WWBs constructor.

I'll have to look at this. I've only had a cursory look at Databinder and
I'm not quite sure when I'll have time to look in depth. I'm alway looking
for help too! ;-)

Congrats for such a nice and useful component!

Thank you!

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