why not use the setVisible method?

link.setVisible(StringUtils.isNotBlank(url) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(...));


On 10/3/07, Chris Colman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have content that I render that may or may not have a URL associated
> with it. I don't want to display anything if the URL is blank.
> I use ExternalLink for the URLs. As I place a reference to the link in
> my markup I need to instantiate an ExternalLink object in the
> corresponding page/panel classes using an anonymous class with
> overridden isVisible method:
> add(
>         new ExternalLink("externallink",
>                 "http://"; + content.getUrl(),
>                 contentList.getUrl())
>         {
>                 public boolean isVisible()
>                 {
>                         WHAT DO I TEST FOR HERE TO CHECK IF A NON NULL
>                         NON BLANK URL WAS       PROVIDED BY
> content.getUrl()?                                       return what?;
>                 }
>         }
> );
> I don't know what attribute or method to text to access the URL that is
> configured by the ExternalLink constructor. If it's stored as a string I
> basically want to go return true if (url != null && url.length() > 0)
> but after handing the URL onto the contructor I don't know how to get it
> back to test it.
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