>                 Label dbl = new Label("dbllbl",""+x){

Why pass in a string? Better is to do new Label("foo", new Model(x));

>                         @Override
>                         protected void onComponentTagBody(final MarkupStream 
> markupStream, final
> ComponentTag openTag)
>                         {
>                                 Object val = 
> getConverter().convert(getModelObjectAsString(),

If you are merely displaying the value, you don't need to convert.
What this line above does - if you'd pass in a model that produces a
number) is convert from a number to a string (using the converter,
this is in getModelObjectAsString) and back again. You can just do
Object val = getModelObject().

1) Wrap the model (decorator pattern) so that it returns the formatted value.
2) Use a custom converter like:

  new Label("foo", new Model(x)) {
    public IConverter getConverter(Class type) {
      return new AbstractNumberConverter() {
        public NumberFormat getNumberFormat(Locale locale) {
          return NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();


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