No what I meant was that when a user selects something in one of your auto complete fields they'll automatickly select something in both, might have been a little scares on information:

IModel commonModel=new Model();

AbstractModel() Text=new AbstractModel(){

   return commonModel.getObject.Text;


AbstractModel() name=new AbstractModel(){



AutoCompleteTextField phoneName = new AutoCompleteTextField(
               "phoneName", name,
               new BestEffortRendererAutoCompleteRenderer()) {
           protected Iterator getChoices(String input) {

               return findItems(input);

AutoCompleteTextField phoneSeries = new AutoCompleteTextField(
               "phoneName", text,
               new BestEffortRendererAutoCompleteRenderer()) {
           protected Iterator getChoices(String input) {

               return findItems(input);

And ofcourse you need to add the other completefield to the ajaxresponse...

Hope this pseudo code works a little better... Was on my way out the door before...

Oliver Lieven wrote:
Hi Nino,
thanks for your fast reply. Yes, a shared PropertyModel would help to keep
both fields synchronized.

I still can't see how this could help me to determine the value selected by
the user. The AutoComplete works like

1. getChoices() is called to populate the autocomplete list with my "zipcode
- city" options
2. when user selects a value from the autocomplete list, the corresponding
field is set with the "textvalue" (e.g. the 'city' field is filled with the
city's name)
3. because of this update, the city-field's
AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior.onUpdate() is called
4. in onUpdate() the getConvertedInput() method returns the city name, which
is insufficient to determine the corresponding zipcode (because of the n:1
relation (city may have many zipcodes)).

So I'm still looking for a way to determine the exact combination selected
by the user...


Nino.Martinez wrote:
Quick answer, why not use property models and use both in the fiields you mention?

Oliver Lieven wrote:

in an address edit panel I've got the two AutoCompleteText fields
and 'city'.

When a users begins typing into the zipcode-field, the autocomplete shows
and offers valid "zipcode - city" combinations. After selecting a value
the autocomplete the 'zipcode' is set. Same for 'city' field, i.e. after
selecting a "zipcode - city" from the city's autocomplete the
is set accordingly.
(Thanks for the great autocomplete-support in Wicket which allows
of displayvalue and textvalue!)

Now to my question: after selection of a "zipcode - city" combination
either autocomplete list I would like to set both fields (zipcode and
I already attached an AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior which gets called
after a selection in the autocomplete list, but it just gets the
zipcode/city currently set.
Since the zipcode-city relation is 1:n (e.g. Berlin has many zipcodes)
wondering if there is a way to access the full selected value (and not
the AbstractAutoCompleteTextRenderer.textvalue set).

Thanks for any help and tips!

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