We have gather some experience on using wicket and OSGi: we have been using them together for almost a year now. Instead of going the PAX way we chose to tie ourselves to equinox implementation of OSGi and we use some eclipse extensions to avoid class loading problems (look for *Eclipse*-*RegisterBuddy* header on manifest files). We have encountered all kinds of class loading related problems (e.g. when you want to integrate Hibernate into the picture or deploying the applicition into a "real" application server) but after having dealt with all these problems we are quite happy with the decision of going OSGi. Additionally, if you use eclipse 3.3. for development, it comes with a plugin version of Jetty that is quite handy for development...

AFAIK if you plan to deploy your application in a "real" application server you will have to use equinox anyway because is the only implementation providing a Bridge servlet (that allows to start an OSGi runtime insede your application server). Here we have had class loading problems well as (in some application servers) you cannot simply do a JNDI lookup from withing a not WEB thread...

Best regards,


Thies Edeling wrote:
Hello all,

Does anyone have any experience with using Wicket and OSGi? I'm looking for the most flexible way of composing an application and deploying Wicket pages/panels as OSGi bundles seems like a nice way.I noticed the Pax Wicket project but am not sure how stable that is.


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