Try here:

As for some of the other questions, Ive answered inline..

René Samselnig wrote:
Hi people,

currently I'm evaluating wicket as the future framework in our company. I
already found a lot of information but still there is some missing. I hope
you can help me out answering these questions.

* What experience do you have regarding performance of wicket applications?
Theres the performace project check it out and see for yourself?
* Is there a way to cluster wicket applications?
Sure.. Do it via the tomcat/apache2 etc...
* Does wicket use any proprietary, non-standard technologies?
* How does wicket care about session hijacking or sql injection?
See the Blog <> tutorial for injection.. Session hijacking I dont know..

* Is there an easy way to implement SSO?
Not sure.. ?
* Can I integrate wicket applications into any content management system?

I've done so by having wicket run in a iframe and passing parameters via urls... Also if your cms can handle portlets that might be the way to go, since wicket can run as a portlet too..
If you have an answer to any of these questions don't hesitate to ignore the
others - any input is welcome!

Thanks in advance,

Try to search a bit on the wiki btw, theres a lot there..:)

Nino Martinez Wael
Java Specialist @ Jayway DK
+45 2936 7684

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