not that importand
it is just easier to cluster over different jvms (which doesnt happen a lot)
but it is also easier to upgrade an existing code. Because the generated
does change for the most stupid ways (i guess they have to do that but most
of the time i don;t care if i added a method)

without the id serialization just breaks (can't deserialize) just way more


On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 4:09 PM, Wang, Yuesong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> In theory, all Serializable classes should have a serialVersionUID, but
> to provide one to every annonymous inner class used everywhere in a
> Wicket app is just too much. So I decided to turn off that warning in
> Eclipse, and not to use serialVersionUID any more, but what is the
> implication? For example, will I run into any problem during
> deployment/undeployment? What about clustering?
> Thanks,
> Yuesong

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