
Thanks for the reply. Just need some further comfirmation.

Here is my scenario:
1) The app is packaged in a single war.
2) No distributed deployment - everything is on the app server (Tomcat
3) Only user agent is web browser. No remote client (RMI, java web start
4) Same JVM across all servers in cluster.
5) When deploying a new release, all servers will be
stopped/undeployed/deployed/started at the same time.

Is that enough to avoid potential serialization issues that may be
caused by not supplying serialVersionUID?


-----Original Message-----
From: Johan Compagner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2008 11:06 AM
Subject: Re: Is serialVersionUID really required?

not that importand
it is just easier to cluster over different jvms (which doesnt happen a
lot) but it is also easier to upgrade an existing code. Because the
generated serialVersionUID does change for the most stupid ways (i guess
they have to do that but most of the time i don;t care if i added a

without the id serialization just breaks (can't deserialize) just way
more often


On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 4:09 PM, Wang, Yuesong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi,
> In theory, all Serializable classes should have a serialVersionUID, 
> but to provide one to every annonymous inner class used everywhere in 
> a Wicket app is just too much. So I decided to turn off that warning 
> in Eclipse, and not to use serialVersionUID any more, but what is the 
> implication? For example, will I run into any problem during 
> deployment/undeployment? What about clustering?
> Thanks,
> Yuesong

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