Hey all,
I am having an issue that seems to be simple, but still, no success.

I have a normal DataTable.
I add to it the toptoolbars manually:
HeadersToolbar thead = new HeadersToolbar(entityDataTable,
This is how it looks in the HTML:
<table wicket:id="entitiesList" class="browserTable">

This is how (part of) the generated HTML looks like:
<table class="browserTable" wicket:id="entitiesList">
<tr class="headers">
<th wicket:id="header" class="wicket_orderUp"><wicket:border
_moz-userdefined=""><a wicket:id="orderByLink" class=""
_moz-userdefined=""><span wicket:id="label">Person

I want a simple thing: I want to align the header labels to the left.
The problem(s):
- style doesn't have an attribute of align. Only vertical-align.
- I tried to add to the HeadersToolbar an AttributeModifier:
thead.add(new AttributeModifier("align", true, new Model("left")));

Nothing seems working.
I am using Firebug and the label <thead> keeps with no attribute.

Can anyone help?

Thank a lot

Eyal Golan

Visit: http://jvdrums.sourceforge.net/

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