On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 7:39 PM, James Carman
> If I'm developing a Hibernate-based application and I want to install
>  some global StateObjectStateException handling code, what's the best
>  way to do it?  I could override Application.newRequestCycle()
>  providing my own request cycle implementation which overrides the
>  onRuntimeException() method.  Is there a way to plug in logic which
>  says "if you see exception type X, use this handler"?

notice requestcycle.onruntimeexception() has access to the exception,
and returns a page, so

myrc.onruntimexception(runtimeexception e) {
  if (e.getrootcause() instanceof hibernateexception) {
      return new hibernateerrorpage(e);


>  James
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