If you read the planning thread, you see that a lot of folks want to
move to the generified Wicket version and don't want to wait 6-8
months to deploy on their production boxes.


On 3/17/08, Maurice Marrink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why does a quick release imply dropping 1.3?
>  IMO if we do a 1.4m1 release and then "slowly" add additional stuff to
>  1.4 we could continue to support 1.3.
>  Not that i need 1.3 but it just seems odd to throw away 1.3 so quickly
>  after we released it.
>  AFAIK we have the following branches:
>  1.2.x : critical bugs only?
>  1.3.x: current
>  2.x: dead
>  1.4.x: future
>  so by doing a quick release of 1.4-m1 we would have to support 1.3 and
>  1.4 but we only actively need to develop 1.4.
>  please correct me if i am wrong.
>  Maurice
>  On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 10:50 AM, Sebastiaan van Erk
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > Hmm... bummer. :-)
>  >
>  >  How hard can it be to throw out all references to generics and insert
>  >  the casts where necessary? :-) But you're right... at least in eclipse
>  >  it complains if you put the source compliance level higher than the
>  >  class file compliance level...
>  >
>  >  Regards,
>  >  Sebastiaan
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >  Johan Compagner wrote:
>  >  > dont think you can compile java 5 source (with generics) to 1.4
>  >  > you have to use something like retroweaver then
>  >  >
>  >  > On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 9:27 AM, Sebastiaan van Erk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  >  > wrote:
>  >  >
>  >  >> Hi,
>  >  >>
>  >  >> I was wondering to what extent it is possible to have generics added to
>  >  >> 1.3 but have it compile to 1.4 if necessary? Isn't that a just a
>  >  >> question of not using other Java 1.5 constructs such as enums and new
>  >  >> JDK classes? Wouldn't that solve most people's problems that need to
>  >  >> stick to Java 1.4?
>  >  >>
>  >  >> Regards,
>  >  >> Sebastiaan
>  >  >>
>  >  >> Martijn Dashorst wrote:
>  >  >>> This thread is the accompanying discussion thread for the ongoing vote
>  >  >>> on the same subject. Please use this discussion thread for voicing
>  >  >>> your opinion or asking questions. This makes counting the votes much
>  >  >>> easier.
>  >  >>>
>  >  >>> The discussion on our development list makes it clear that a lot of
>  >  >>> folks are anxious for generified models. Most users if not all wish us
>  >  >>> to release a quick release which is 1.3 + generics. The consequence is
>  >  >>> that the core team will stop to support 1.3, and that everybody that
>  >  >>> wishes updates will have to migrate to 1.4, and upgrade to Java 5.
>  >  >>>
>  >  >>> Why should we keep supporting 1.3 and JDK 1.4?
>  >  >>>
>  >  >>> Why only a generified release, and not a full release with more Java5
>  >  >>> conversions?
>  >  >>>
>  >  >>> Martijn
>  >  >>>
>  >  >>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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