you are worried about what is in the source?
so you dont really need it for something else like in an email?

but wicket generates for itself relative urls
if you need a full for yourself you can use RequestUtils.toAbsolutePath

On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 11:36 AM, Java Programmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hello,
> I have question about generated urls e.g. in examples on
> we have
> really nice urls, but they are realtive:
> <a href="../../my/mounted/package/Page4/">
> is there posiible to make them:
> <a href="/my/mounted/package/Page4/">
> without ../../ but absolute for servlet mapped as:
> <servlet-mapping>
>        <servlet-name>wicket</servlet-name>
>        <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>
> </servlet-mapping>
> even if I make <url-pattern>/somepattern/*</url-pattern> I don't
> recieve /somepattern/my/mounted/package/Page4/ without ../../
> I have read about WICKET-1205, and similar people problems with not
> working relative urls, but mine consider only HTML source to be nicer
> for web spiders (SEO and such things, my boss won't be happy with
> trailings ../../, but I would understand if it's wicket feature and
> can't be changed).
> Any solution is possible in this matter?
> Best regards,
> Adr
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