I upgraded my biggest production app from 1.2.6 to 1.3 last week.  I have
had several apps running on 1.3 since it was in beta with no problems -
running for months without restarting.

This app receives more traffic than any of the rest.  We have a decent
server, and I had always allowed Tomcat 1.5GB of RAM to operate with.  It
never had a problem doing so, and I didn't have OutOfMemory errors.  Now,
after the upgrade to 1.3.2, I am having all sorts of trouble.  It ran for
several days without a problem, but then started dying a couple times a
day.  Today it has died four times.  Here are a couple odd things about

   - On 1.2.6, I never had a problem with stability - the app would run
   weeks between restarts (I restart once per deployment, anywhere from once a
   week to at the longest about two months between deploy / restart).
   - Tomcat DIES instead of hanging when there is a problem.  Always
   before, if I had an issue, Tomcat would hang, and there would be OOM in the
   logs.  Now, when it crashes, and I sign in to the server, Tomcat is not
   running at all.  There is nothing in the Tomcat logs that says anything, or
   in eventvwr.
   - I do not get OutOfMemory error in any logs, whereas I have always
   seen it in the logs before when I had an issue with other apps.  I am
   running Tomcat as a service on Windows, but it writes stdout / stderr to
   logs, and I write my logging out to logs, and none of these logs include ANY
   errors - they all just suddenly stop at the time of the crash.

My money is that it is an OOM error caused by somewhere that I am doing
something I shouldn't be with Wicket.  There's no logs that even say it is
an OOM, but the memory continues to increase linearly over time as the app
runs now (it didn't do that before).  My first guess is my previous
proliferate use of anonymous inner classes.  I have seen in the email
threads that this shouldn't be done in 1.3.

Of course, the real answer is that I'm going to be digging through profilers
and lines of code until I get this fixed.

My question, though, is from the Wicket devs / experienced users - where
should I look first?  Is there something that changed between 1.2.6 and 1.3
that might have caused me problems where 1.2.6 was more forgiving?

I'm running the app with JProbe right now so that I can get a snapshot of
memory when it gets really high.

Thank you,
Jeremy Thomerson

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