
I have on a page 3 radio buttons in a group and for each radio a drop down:

x    DropDown1 V
o    DropDown2 V
o    DropDown3 V

When the user selects a radio, the corresponding dropdown will be enabled
and the other two disabled.

In Firefox, this works as I need it to, but in IE, the dropdowns are not
enabled/disabled as needed (either not at all - in IE6 or oddly in IE7). The
funny thing is the functionality is there - i mean, although graphically
they are wrong, I can change the values only for the dropdown which is
enabled. And when I try to do that, all the dropdowns will be updated

Any ideas what's wrong with IE and how i could update the dropdowns
correctly? I use just setEnabled(true/false) and target.addComponent(...).

Cristi Manole

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