Thanks for quick response. But I am not sure, that this what I want. I think it 
will need a little bit more description.

As I said I have table where I listed some objects from database. I have there 
link which creates new modal window. But I do not give any model to this modal 
window. In this modal window there is a form which I fill and with the filled 
parameters I create a new object that I store to database. Than I close the 
modal window. 

So in the modal window object I have not any model (ListView or DataTable) that 
can be refreshed. So I need to refresh the whole parent page. 

On wiki I found some example:

modalWindow.setWindowClosedCallback(new WindowClosedCallback(){
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        public void onClose(AjaxRequestTarget target){

But I dont know how to create the parentPage object and what is the type of it. 
I tried to create new page just something like

parentPage = new Mypage(); 

but of course this does not work. Than I try this

target.addComponent(new WebMarkupContainer("myPage", new Model(new MyPage()))); 

this does not wokrs too. Please any other idea how to reload the WHOLE page.

Best regards


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