
It sounds like this:


On Fri, May 2, 2008 at 9:37 AM, Scott Sauyet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm having a problem with different behavior when my Wicket application
> runs on Jetty versus on Tomcat, and I'm wondering if anyone has a suggestion
> as to why.
> I'm running Wicket 1.3.0 inside Jetty 6.1.8 or Tomcat 5.5.26.
> The only place I'm seeing this right now is the second and subsequent
> pages of a PageableListView.  This is one of the few places where I don't
> have clean URLs, and I don't know if that's a cause.  (Aside: is there a way
> to get cleaner URLs in pages with PageableListViews?) Almost every page the
> user sees is a BookmarkablePage, but this one isn't, so maybe that's the
> difference; I just don't know.
> A search form with a GET method is on every page.  When searching for the
> term "acct", the form redirects to a BookmarkablePage with a URL that looks
> like:
>    http://jetty-host:port/app/FindTagByName/tagname/acct/
> and on that page there are Javascript and CSS elements with SRC and HREF
> attributes like this:
>     ../../../css/standard.css
> Links in the PagingNavigator point to pages like this:
>    http://jetty-host:port/app/?wicket:interface=:6:1:::
> and the SRC/HREF attributes here look like this:
>    css/standard.css
> Which works fine.  But when running on Tomcat, starting from here:
>    http://tomcat-host:port/app/FindTagByName/tagname/acct/
> the links are fine, and the subsequent pages have URLs like
>    http://tomcat-host:port/app/?wicket:interface=:3:1:::
> All my SRC/HREF attributes here are wrong, pointing to the Tomcat
> directory and not my web application:
>    ../css/standard.css
> Anyone have a suggestion as to what I might be doing wrong?
> Thanks,
>  -- Scott
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