I have use MultiFileUploadField for uploading pictures, everything
works fine but when I use e.g. setMaxSize(Bytes.kilobytes(1024)) on
the form and try to upload larger picture or pictures than limit, I
got only one message about hitting limit size, and other fildes are
not checked this time (e.g. required text fields). There is also
problem with backuping fields from model after such sending, some
fields are set up, and some remains empty. I have read about "Notice
that this component clears its model at the end of the request, so the
uploaded files MUST be processed within the request they were
uploaded.", but I don't think it's the problem. I try to use 2 models
one CompoundPropertyModel for texts on form, and one for new
MultiFileUploadField(UPLOADS, new Model(new ArrayList<FileUpload>()),
MAX_PICTURES_TO_UPLOAD); (earlier I had everything in

Anybody knows what could be wrong?

Best regards,

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