correction :
instead of
But when I have a modal window displaying the panel on the page with an
associated properties file, the *properties of the modal* will override
those for the panel (obviously, those having the same name).

-> properties of the page containing the modal

On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 1:01 AM, Cristi Manole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hello,
> I have a page with a properties file associated with it and a panel with
> another properties file.
> When i display the panel on some page (with no properties), wicket works as
> expected : it loads the properties from the properties file associated with
> the panel.
> But when I have a modal window displaying the panel on the page with an
> associated properties file, the properties of the modal will override those
> for the panel (obviously, those having the same name).
> I can understand why this would happen, but since i _must_ use the same
> names, how can I load them from the panel's proporties (something like
> override) ? I need some kind of reset... something.
> I hope I made myself clear :) It's way into the night here :)
> Tks,
> Cristi Manole

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