By default, Wicket will create separate session objects for each
application. If you want to share info between multiple Wicket
sessions, you'll have to access the underlying HttpSession object.
Should be relatively easy to create an abstraction for that yourself.


On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 11:57 AM, smallufo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> According to wicket API docs , I have a question.
> Does wicket favor composite session object ?
> That is , if my site has some independent apps , each has its custom setting
> object.
> It seems I have to associate these objects to one root session object :
> like this :
> App1Setting setting1 = ((RootSession)getSession()).getApp1Setting();
> App2Setting setting2 = ((RootSession)getSession()).getApp2Setting();
> Is it correct ?

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