The way 1.3 works currently has been fine with me and any type mismatch
in programming error usually result in crash with obvious location of error  
and easily fixed.
So to me, it is optional  and not very important. Switching to java 5 does not 
mean wicket must include generics, there are many other features in java 5 
could be used to enhance wicket. and I feel the most helpful new facilities of 
wicket could be some powerful widgets, layouts, menus that one can use java api 
to produce (it could use any JS toolkits). Although it was contended that 
wicket is server side framework,  without those widgets, it would not help 
spread its use as a Java web toolkit. It is true one could write javascript for 
some of them,
but integration with java api would distinguish wicket from the rest.
I know there are some projects like this but it would be nice to have
it in wicket core as a strategic effort. 

It might not be worth a huge undertaking for a web framework, considering
there are so many other equally crucial factors such as the 
widget issue above to make a web app successful.

>Hi all,
>We have had several threads in this and the dev list, and some
>discussions in the public on how to incorporate generics in Wicket.
>I'd like to use this thread to gather the opinions of as many regular
>Wicket users as we can. Please help us get an impression of what our
>users think about the issue by completing this simple survey. Note
>that it is not a vote; we only want to get an idea of what you think.
>1) Generifying* Wicket
>   [ ] Can best be done like currently in the 1.4 branch, where models
>and components are both generified. I care most about the improved
>static type checking generified models and components give Wicket.
>   [ ] Can best be done in a limited fashion, where we only generify
>IModel but not components. I care more about what generifying can do
>for API clarity (declaring a component to only accept certain models
>for instance) than static type checking.
>   [ ] Should be avoided, I prefer the way 1.3 works. Because... (fill
>in your opinion here).
>   [ ] .... (anything other than these choices?)
>2) How strongly do you feel about your choice above?
>   [ ] Whatever choice ultimately made, I'll happily convert/ start
>using 1.4 and up.
>   [ ] I might rethink upgrading if my choice doesn't win.
>   [ ] I definitively won't be using 1.4. if Wicket doesn't go for my
>Thanks in advance for everyone participating, and pls feel free to
>explain yourself further beyond just answering these questions!
>p.s. I suggest that the core devs and most active participants and
>previous discussions wait a few days before giving their opinions so
>that we don't flood the thread right from the start.
>* Parameterizing would probably be the better word to use, but
>generifying seems to be the word that many people use.
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