>> Now if I change the country, I must change the list of allowed values
>> for cityCombo.
> http://wicketstuff.org/wicket13/ajax/choice

Thanks, I remember seeing that but already forgot about the idea that
a dropdown choice can be a model, and a smart model too.

> interface statechangedlistener { protected void 
> onstatechanged(ajaxrequesttarget t); }
> city.onupdate() { getpage().visitchildren(statechangedlistener.class) {...}}
> there is your basic listener support.

Ok. Something like this. I do not know if I want to bind it directly
to the page hierarcy though, it might be some other construct just for
that purpose. And I do not know if I want a listener interface if I
can make the models reload themselves -> in that case the construct
should maybe automatically attach onchangelisteners? Maybe, e.g.,
mutable/immutable treenodes...


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