hmm, i remember some people were complaining about oracle server
before as well. you might want to search the mailing list.


On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 4:48 AM, Thomas Lutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks Igor !
> I removed the filter init params, tried with a fresh 1.3.x from subversion,
> still did not work.
> But :-), it's not wicket's fault, it's f***** oc4j. The redirect after the
> login page (I am using the acegi+wicket approach from the wiki) is not
> handled right.. oc4j does a redirect with a relative url the wrong way, it's
> relative to the webapp context, but not including the servlet path.
> I am playing around to find a workaround, if I am lucky I'll post the
> solution here, in case other unlucky oc4j users are out there :-).
> Thanks again,
> Tom
> Igor Vaynberg schrieb:
>> interesting
>> 1) you can remove filter init params, when wicket servlet is used the
>> path can be determined from servletrequest
>> 2) can you try with wicket-1.3.x branch to see if we have already fixed it
>> 3) if its still broken file a jira issue
>> -igor
>> On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 5:19 AM, Thomas Lutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hi again !
>>> I've tried to solve my issue, but had no luck so far. Here is the web.xml
>>> snippet I use:
>>>  <servlet>
>>>      <servlet-name>ACSWebapp</servlet-name>
>>> <servlet-class>org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WicketServlet</servlet-class>
>>>      <init-param>
>>>          <param-name>applicationFactoryClassName</param-name>
>>> <param-value>org.apache.wicket.spring.SpringWebApplicationFactory</param-value>
>>>      </init-param>
>>>      <init-param>
>>>          <param-name>filterPath</param-name>
>>>          <param-value>app/*</param-value>
>>>      </init-param>
>>>      <init-param>
>>>          <param-name>filterMappingUrlPattern</param-name>
>>>          <param-value>app/*</param-value>
>>>      </init-param>
>>>      <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup>
>>>  </servlet>
>>>  <servlet-mapping>
>>>      <servlet-name>ACSWebapp</servlet-name>
>>>      <url-pattern>/app/*</url-pattern>
>>>  </servlet-mapping>
>>> I am not sure if I need the filterPath and filterMappingUrlPattern init
>>> parameters, but I left them in.
>>> My application is deployed with an application.xml containing
>>> <module>
>>>  <web>
>>>    <web-uri>ACS.war</web-uri>
>>>    <context-root>ACS</context-root>
>>>  </web>
>>>  </module>
>>> When I call http://ip:port/ACS/app/ I am redirected to
>>> http://ip:port/ACS/;jsessionid=d5a0c3193157101e4c749c214a05985eb6afb0ce6bc9.e34RaxuNah4Rai0LahqTaNuRa34Te6fznA5Pp7ftolbGmkTy?wicket:bookmarkablePage=%3Aat.schnirkel.acs.MySignInPage
>>> which of course does not work.
>>> Mapping the servlet to /* works, but then my Acegi filter is not invoked,
>>> because OC4J seems to ignore urls without a page in front of the "?",
>>> although I've configured the filter with a /*
>>> Any ideas on this ?
>>> Thanks a lot,
>>> Tom
>>> My environment is OC4J, java 4 and wicket 1.3.3.
>>> Mattom schrieb:
>>>> Hi !
>>>> No, sorry, maybe i was not precise enough, when i have the /app/*
>>>> mapping,
>>>> i can access my "HomePage" directly, but all links from the HomePage as
>>>> well
>>>> as the style sheet link and some image links (all within wicket:link)
>>>> don't
>>>> work, as the "/app/" part is missing. The only images working are the
>>>> one
>>>> from the tree I use as menu.
>>>> Basically I don't need the /app/ subdirectory, but servlet filters in
>>>> oc4j
>>>> seem to be rather buggy, and they are not called, if you don't have
>>>> either a
>>>> page or a directory, just ip:port/context/?... does not work, as the
>>>> filters
>>>> are not called.
>>>> So I tried to "trick" the filter (acegi) by adding a subdirectory... I
>>>> guess I have to add some filterPath or filterMappingPath flag to the
>>>> init-params of the servlet, but so far nothing worked. I'll dig into the
>>>> sources deeper tomorrow.
>>>> Thanks !
>>>> Tom
>>>> -------- Original-Nachricht --------
>>>>> Datum: Thu, 19 Jun 2008 21:42:45 +0100
>>>>> Von: "Gwyn Evans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>> An:
>>>>> Betreff: Re: wicket servlet mapping to subdirectory
>>>>> When you say "I always get redirected to the root of the webapp", do
>>>>> you
>>>>> mean when first trying to access your app, you have to go via a
>>>>> redirect
>>>>> or
>>>>> some such that takes you to ""; or similar?
>>>>> The 'traditional' trick was to have an index.html that redirected to
>>>>> "app/"
>>>>> as below - any uise?
>>>>> <html>
>>>>> <head>
>>>>>   <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; url=app">
>>>>> </head>
>>>>> </html>
>>>>> /Gwyn
>>>>> On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 5:30 PM, Thomas Lutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi list !
>>>>>> I am forced to use the wicket servlet (1.3.3) instead of the filter
>>>>> because
>>>>>> of oc4j.
>>>>>> I mapped the servlet to
>>>>>> <servlet-mapping>
>>>>>>     <servlet-name>Wicket Webapp</servlet-name>
>>>>>>     <url-pattern>/app/*</url-pattern>
>>>>>> </servlet-mapping>
>>>>>> This does not work, I always get redirected to the root of the webapp,
>>>>> and
>>>>>> therefore none of my pages shows up. If I map to /*, everything works
>>>>> fine,
>>>>>> but then my acegi filters to not work...
>>>>>> Is there any parameter I need to set to tell wicket about the
>>>>>> different
>>>>>> location ? Or, is it possible to configure some fake name in front of
>>>>> the
>>>>>> request strings "?" ?
>>>>>> Thanks a lot,
>>>>>> Tom
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