Even Mac guys agree that development by Sun would be much better :-)

They still lag behind with java 1.6 (no current 1.6.0_07), do not support powerpc for 1.6 anymore, can't run 32bit on 1.6 and can't run 64bit on 1.5 etc.

Yeah, java by apple suckzzzzzz !

Am 17.07.2008 um 16:08 schrieb Johan Compagner:

the mac jvm is really horrible
We really develop eclipse/swing applications for 8 years now and throughout
all those years if there is a jvm specific problem
Its the mac, its always the mac, For me it is already so far that i really
hate everything that is a mac.

When they released leopard i think we have to do stuff like this in our
swing code base:

   public Insets getMargin()
       Insets insets = super.getMargin();
       if (insets == null)
           insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0);
       return insets;

Else we would get null pointers deep in there look and feel.
And that is just a small example. we have in our code base all over the
place things like // mac fix

There is only one other company that also kind of does that but on a smaller
level because it just touches a smaller part of java (jdbc) and thats
if (oracle) do this
else do that..

But oracle just do that because the can and they are big and they just want
everybody tied to there implementation of jdbc and there way of doing
With the mac it is just apple cant do the job

I look forward to the day that apple just drops the jvm development and let
sun do it.. Then we finally are liberated of that apple crap


On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 3:50 PM, Brill Pappin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Actually, I use a Mac now (vista prompted the purchase) and the Mac JVM is actually not much different... in fact I don't notice anything at all when working with java unless I'm doing something low lever like trying to load a
YourKit agent... but even then its not so different.

If your using swing and want to use the Mac LAF then you have to consider
the way the UI works, but even then its pretty portable.

I don't know if anyone is truly concerned about how well it works, but
there is the result of my recent experience.

- Brill

On 17-Jul-08, at 5:34 AM, Johan Compagner wrote:

if you target Java 5 by using webstart
then there isnt to much of a problem just with that

But yes you do have especially with the mac the different jvm problems as
you have with browsers :(
But happily not that many problems (there are way more different browsers
and platforms) and if i have to say only one really bugs me (mac)


On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 10:50 AM, Martijn Dashorst <

This only holds true if you have the full deployment environment under
control: Java for OS X is much different than Java for Windows, as
Johan can attest for. Just as with browsers you have to consider folks that don't update their JDK's, and many corporate IT guys don't want
to update anything (including browsers!). So probably the easiest
deployment platform still remains the browser, since most shops do
have at least IE6 (while a shitty product in itself, it is manageable
to get it to work).

Deployment of anything, even web apps is an exciting thing in


On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 10:18 AM, Michael Allan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Zappaterrini, Larry wrote:

Your reason is a special instance of a much more general reason. Web
applications are much easier to deal with from a deployment
perspective than desktop applications.

I don't know, it's not difficult to set up an RMI server, or to deploy a Swing client with Web Start (gives the user a single-click launch from the browser). I've done it, and frankly it's easier than messing
with Tomcat and Web frameworks (no offense to Wicket).

And any developer who's coded a GUI using a proper toolkit, such as Swing, will never willingly trade it for a Web framework. (A big part of the attraction of Wicket is its Swing-like, component design. But
it can't approach the real thing.)

Also, there are firewall and security issues surrounding access to
central data repositories that web applications handle nicely.

That security coddling is a mixed blessing. The browser's sandbox, for instance, makes it a complicated business to provide the user with normal access to resources on the desktop. With Swing, your app is a
full peer on the desktop.

True, there are firewall and NAT hurdles for RMI clients. I googled
for "RMI over HTTP" and "HTTP tunneling", and I didn't get a
comfortable, reassuring response. Why is that? It's a mystery... It
should be a well beaten path.

Michael Allan

Toronto, 647-436-4521

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