2 options:

1. don't use Wicket but a normal servlet for this
2. getRequestCycle().setRequestTarget(new EmptyRequestTarget());

#2 should work, but I haven't tried it :)


On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 3:03 PM, Milan Křápek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I need your advice. I am using wicket for generating VoiceXML for my 
> application. In response my application sends some recorded audio as 
> multipart/form-data content. Another wicket page stores this audio to HDD. 
> The problem is that wicket returns HTTP status code 500, because there was  
> not generated any HTML document that could be returned. But I do not want to 
> return any document. I just want to return HTTP headers with status code 200 
> (OK), but I do not how to do it.
> Now I am generating blank html document (just tags <html></html>) but I think 
> there must be better way.
> I need something like :
> getResponse.setResponseCode (200); // this should set the response code
> getResponse.close(); // close the output stream
> return;
> Please can you explin me the wicket way how to do this.
> Best regards
> Milan
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