if you want the page to render all at once you have to spin off as
many threads as there are components and block rendering until all
threads are done. you can do this in page#onbeforerender() which is
called before any components start to render.

the problem with this is that if it takes a while someone can easily
dos your app because you are blocking servlet thread pool.

a better way to do this would be to drop each component into an iframe
and make it poll for data which is retrieved using some global


On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 2:12 PM, Sebastian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have not yet looked much into Wicket but am quite interested in the
> project.
> We have a specific requirement where I could not yet find the right
> information/documentation for.
> We need to put multiple components onto a page receiving data through web
> services. A single web services call takes some time. In our scenario it
> would be bad to have the different components of a page to request their
> data sequentially, therefore we'd like to have components retrieve the
> required data in parallel by firing the web services call concurrenlty.
> What is the best approach to achieve this (preferable in a generic, reusable
> fashion).
> I do not want to use AJAX for this, the whole page needs to be rendered at
> once on the server side.
> Thanks for any hints and thoughts in advance,
> Seb
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