On Fri, Aug 1, 2008 at 2:23 PM, Paul Logasa Bogen II <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I develop in Eclipse with SVN for source control. I user FFX3 with
> WebDeveloper Toolbar to debug
> CSS and Venkman to debug js (although if someone knows of a better js
> debugger please tell me).
> My project uses MySQL for the backend, does data preprocessing with Mallet,
> password encryption using Commons-Codec, some more data processing with
> RegexBuilder,
> and for high computational analysis I will be using joPAS connecting to
> Octave with MPI
> clustering on a 12-node (24-processor) HPC.
> I having been using an inMethod DataGrid and am very interested in seeing
> other YUI components wrapped by Wicket.
> I also would like to see a easier dialog box for when I need to do simple
> dialogs (Yes/No/Cancel type stuff).
Just a minor correction. The DataGrid component is not a YUI component
wrapped by Wicket. It is built from scratch and only use YUI for low
level stuff.

> plb
> Kent Larsson wrote:
>> Hi, I thought it could be interesting if we (I'll contribute a little
>> later,
>> as I'm just learning Wicket) could list the frameworks and tools we
>> "always"
>> use with Wicket. Maybe Hibernate, Eclipse, NetBeans, jQuery, YUI, JUnit,
>> HtmlUnit, Spring, UMLGraph will pop up. In other terms, any and all
>> framworks and tools which you use as part of your development process.
>> It would be nice to know why you have decided to use each framework and
>> tool
>> you list. And it will of course also be interesting to hear your
>> motivation
>> for keeping a minimalist approach, if that's what you do. I think this
>> could
>> become an interesting mail thread, which could be a good learning
>> experience
>> for many of us. Thank you in advance! :-)
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