We just do it in CustomRequestCycle#onEndRequest(): @Override protected void onEndRequest() { if (Application.get().isDevelopment()) { // controleer of er hibernate objecten in de pagina vastgehouden worden. // eerst de pagina die het request heeft beantwoord
Page requestPage = getRequest().getPage(); testDetachedObjects(requestPage); // als de response een Page heeft, dan deze controleren op de aanwezigheid van // hibernate objecten. if (getRequestTarget() instanceof IPageRequestTarget) { Page responsePage = ((IPageRequestTarget) getRequestTarget()).getPage(); if (responsePage != requestPage) { testDetachedObjects(responsePage); } } } And: private void testDetachedObjects(final Page page) { if (page == null) { return; } try { NotSerializableException exception = new NotSerializableException(); EntityAndSerializableChecker checker = new EntityAndSerializableChecker(exception); checker.writeObject(page); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Couldn't test/serialize the Page: " + page + ", error: " + ex); } } -- Become a Wicket expert, learn from the best: http://wicketinaction.com Apache Wicket 1.3.4 is released Get it now: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/wicket/1.3. --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]