Mine arrived today, ordered at Manning and shipped to the Netherlands. I was already excited about the ebook but I can't wait to dive into this one! Great work guys!

Jonathan Locke wrote:
i just got mine today.

it is really really nice!!!

Martijn Dashorst wrote:
Thanks for the report, I've notified Manning of this issue and they're
looking into it.

I also asked when the books should arrive. If you've ordered from
Manning, you should receive your copy one of these days. As I
understand it, shipping was happening today or tomorrow. I'm not sure
if you get a message that the book was shipped.

If you ordered your copy with Amazon, you might have to wait longer as
the books need to go to Amazon first before they get shipped out (and
that happens on Amazon's schedule, nothing much Manning can do about).
This may be a bit disappointing, but remember that you got a great

A big thanks to everybody that reviewed/bought the book, hang on just
a little moreā€”the book is coming (provided you ordered the print


On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 12:23 AM, James Carman
I called my local Barnes & Noble today asking if they had a copy of
WIA and the lady said "that book is out of print; perhaps you can get
one used through B&N.com."  The Waldenbooks in our mall said it was on
"back order" (I'm assuming this is because of my two talks I gave to
the Cincinnati Java Users Group).  Is anyone else having issues
getting a copy at brick and mortar stores?

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