If you're just evaluating, try creating a "quickstart"
(http://wicket.apache.org/quickstart.html) and just use the embedded
Jetty server (mvn jetty:run or run the Start class in your project) to
check things out.  It works quite well.

On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 2:22 PM, Lukasz Kucharski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Have you looked at this:
>> http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/ClassLoadingConfiguration
>> There's a section in there about how to "isolate" your application
>> from JBoss' stuff.
> Thanks for the link. I'll try those solutions tomorrow when I get back
> to work. I guess this is similar to what we used to do with WLS 8.1
> and its <prefer-webinf-classes> configuration tag in web.xml. I must
> say I've always been bit sceptic about messing with standard class
> loading order in app servers and containers. I must say, I'm surprised
> Wicket will not work out of the box in such a popular environment. I
> did not expect to encounter such problems during evaluation stage.
> --
> Pozdrawiam
> Lukasz Kucharski
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