I keep running into a similar issue and it comes down to me missing some
fundamental knowledge of Hibernate, but I was hoping someone here could
help point me in the right direction.

Consider a Hibernate model called Child and it has a property called
firstName. Now lets say I use a LoadableModel for the Child and tie firstName 
to a
TextField via a property model.

In Form.onSubmit I want to call some business logic classes and pass in
the Child (so far no problem). Due to the OpenSessionInViewFilter and
LoadableModel the current Hibernate session context has a persistent
Child (that wicket has subsequently called setName on). In this code I
want to be able to query out the Child object as it is in the DB and
compare it to the modified, but uncommitted Child. 

We use this to either create an audit trail or show on the screen:
"Child's First Name changed from X to Y".

In this simple example I could keep track of this in Wicket, but its
harder with more complex relationships.

Is it possible with Hibernate to say give me the Child model from the DB
and not the currently active instance that is tied to the session?


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