Yea I looked into that, unfortunately I need more information than I
will have in an interceptor/listener. 


On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 07:12:31PM -0400, James Carman exclaimed:

>You're probably better off setting up a Hibernate listener if you want
>to do audit logging.  Check out the Java Persistence with Hibernate
>book for an example (if you have it).
>On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 6:51 PM, Ryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I keep running into a similar issue and it comes down to me missing some
>> fundamental knowledge of Hibernate, but I was hoping someone here could
>> help point me in the right direction.
>> Consider a Hibernate model called Child and it has a property called
>> firstName. Now lets say I use a LoadableModel for the Child and tie 
>> firstName to a
>> TextField via a property model.
>> In Form.onSubmit I want to call some business logic classes and pass in
>> the Child (so far no problem). Due to the OpenSessionInViewFilter and
>> LoadableModel the current Hibernate session context has a persistent
>> Child (that wicket has subsequently called setName on). In this code I
>> want to be able to query out the Child object as it is in the DB and
>> compare it to the modified, but uncommitted Child.
>> We use this to either create an audit trail or show on the screen:
>> "Child's First Name changed from X to Y".
>> In this simple example I could keep track of this in Wicket, but its
>> harder with more complex relationships.
>> Is it possible with Hibernate to say give me the Child model from the DB
>> and not the currently active instance that is tied to the session?
>> Thanks,
>> Ryan
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