On Fri, 26 Sep 2008, Nino Saturnino Martinez Vazquez Wael wrote:
> This is a potential pitfall if you ever will have two Ajax components 
> that can remove the ones behavior, if the user clicks the other while 
> loading then it's gonna complain. On the other hand im not sure what 
> wicket can do besides throw a runtime exception.

Actually this happens also in all cases where the components 
are being replaced, such as doing a continuous ajax search 
with a DataView. I don't know any better way than veiling 
things that will be replaced; it would be interesting to see
if this can be replaced in the new Ajax implementation of 1.5.

Best wishes,

Timo Rantalaiho           
Reaktor Innovations Oy    <URL: http://www.ri.fi/ >

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