I'd like to use inmethod grid in my charity auction project.

I've got a slightly modified version of one of the grid-examples using
DataGrid like so:

                DataGrid grid = new DefaultDataGrid("grid",
 // returns
                        Arrays.asList(new IGridColumn[] {
                        new PropertyColumn(new ResourceModel("id"), "id"),
                        new PropertyColumn(new ResourceModel("name"), "name"),
                        // I'll try editable columns here once I get
basic display working...
                        new SubmitCancelColumn("esd", new Model("Edit")),
                add(new Form("form").add(grid));

I'm getting this error at runtime I don't understand:

NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.wicket.MetaDataKey: method <init>()V not found
    at com.inmethod.grid.common.AbstractGrid$4.<init>(AbstractGrid.java:908)
    at com.inmethod.grid.common.AbstractGrid.<clinit>(AbstractGrid.java:907)
    at org.firstuucolumbus.CatalogPage.<init>(CatalogPage.java:43)

Unfortunately, I'm a total Maven newbie, so I'm guessing something
must be amiss in pom.xml (below)

or the way I'm using it:  mvn clean install eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse

(Then I usually run Start from Eclipse)

Would someone wiser in the ways of inmethod and/or Maven care to give
me a hand here?

Any help much appreciated.

-- Jim.

<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0";

        <!-- TODO project name  -->

                        <name>The Apache Software License, Version 2.0</name>

                <!--  WICKET DEPENDENCIES -->

                <!-- LOGGING DEPENDENCIES - LOG4J -->

                <!--  JUNIT DEPENDENCY FOR TESTING -->

                <!--  JETTY DEPENDENCIES FOR TESTING  -->
                        <!-- exclude spring framework that wicket pulls in
                        </exclusions> -->
                <!-- merged with wicket-spring asof wicket 1.4 -->
                        <!-- exclude spring framework that wicket pulls in -->


                        <plugin>    <!-- wicket 1.4 needs jdk 1.5 -->



           <name>Wicket Stuff Repo</name>

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