Just browsed through my new copy of Wicket in Action. There are
"warnings" to use Wicket/Ajax with tables and ListView - I have both.

However the discussed problems seems to be mainly related to refreshing. My problem is that several component models get updated when only one 'TextField' was edited; therefore the refreshed components gets an incorrect value. When/if I submit the form the usual (non ajax) way everything is corrected.


Anders Peterson wrote:
Here the code, html and Java fragments, for the <tr>. /Anders

Timo Rantalaiho wrote:
On Mon, 29 Sep 2008, Anders Peterson wrote:
I'm using OnChangeAjaxBehavior with a TextField. The TextField is in a table cell that is repeated using a ListView. When I change the value of one of the TextFields more than one of the underlying models get updated - the one that was supposed to be updated and all following in the list. If I modify the first TextField then all underlying models get the same value. If I modify the second then all except the first...


It sounds like all your TextFields models would be connected
to each other. Show us the code and we'll see.

Best wishes,


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