Yeah wicket does override id's.. But be carefull when manually assigning them. You could also do it the otherway around and spew out the correct id from the wicket side, into your js.

Im not sure how well Wicket likes manual id's and ajax.

mallet wrote:
Solution: Igor's solution worked.  I just had to make one small fix in my
java code for my modal.  The problem was that the DOM contained no element
with id = "okButton".  A co-worker of mine pointed out that the id I assign
to my submit input in the HTML template is being overwritten by Wicket when
I created my AjaxButton.  As a result, I had to add this:

Then using document.getelementbyid('okButton').onclick() worked.

Everything is working great now and I appreciate the responses.

Here is the final code for my PasswordTextField:

      PasswordTextField passwordTextField = new
PasswordTextField("password", new Model<String>());
AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior("redirectEnterButton") {
        public void onComponentTag(ComponentTag tag) {
          tag.put("onkeypress", "if (wicketKeyCode(event) == 13) {
document.getElementById('okButton').onclick();return false;};");
          tag.put("onkeydown", "if (wicketKeyCode(event) == 13) { return
false; ");
          tag.put("onkeyup", "if (wicketKeyCode(event) == 13) { return
          tag.put("onchange", "if (wicketKeyCode(event) == 13) { return
          tag.put("onchangeoriginal", "if (wicketKeyCode(event) == 13) {
return false;};");
        protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget ajaxRequestTarget) {
          //Required to override this function

mallet wrote:
I tried as you suggested, but it gives me the 404 error in IE again.  The
browser bar in the 404 window has these parameters in it, after I typed
asdfasdf and hit enter:

I can put an alert('hi') in place of
document.getelementbyid('okButton').onclick(), and it alerts me.  Or I can
simply do return false; and the enter button will be deactivated.  But for
some reason I am not able to access the okButton's onclick function like
this... or maybe I am accessing it, but the problem is in there.

I'll try some other things and get back if I find a solution.

igor.vaynberg wrote:
if (wicketKeyCode(event) == 13) {
  document.getelementbyid('myajaxbuttonsid').onclick(); }


On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 2:34 PM, mallet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks for your reply.  Here's what I did:

     PasswordTextField passwordTextField = new
PasswordTextField("password", new Model<String>());

AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior("onkeydown") {
           public void onComponentTag(ComponentTag tag)
                   tag.put("onkeydown", "if (wicketKeyCode(event) == 13)
return false;}; ");



However, the problem I have now is that the enter key no longer submits
form through my AjaxButton's onSubmit function.  It simply disables the
enter key from doing anything.  This is better than before, but the
users of
this want to use the enter key to submit the form rather than the mouse

I wonder if there is any way I can have it propagate the enter key to
the same function as when I press the AjaxButton with my mouse?

igor.vaynberg wrote:
easiest thing is to simply disable the enter key on the textfield by
override onkeydown


On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 1:04 PM, mallet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have a ModalWindow containing a class extending Panel.  On the Panel
a class extending Form.
The Form contains a custom AjaxButton which overrides protected void
onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form<?> form).

When I click this button it retrieves text from a PasswordField and
validates it.  It displays an error message on my Panel's
the event of en error; otherwise it closes the ModalWindow and
calling page.

This works flawlessly when I use the mouse button to click my
It also works in FireFox3 when I use the enter button.  But in IE7
when I
use the enter button instead of the mouse, it gives me a 404 error in
browser and the modal window disappears without running the onSubmit

Any suggestions on how to make this work for IE7?

I would like to use a ModalWindow if at all possible instead of
another page.

Here is my HTML:

<html xmlns:wicket=""; lang="EN-US">
 <form wicket:id="form" action="">
 <table width="75%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0"
     <td colspan="2">
       <div class="formFeedback" wicket:id="feedback"></div>
       Password: <input type="password" wicket:id="password"
     <td align="center">
       <input type="submit" wicket:id="okButton" value="Delete"/>
        # Cancel


Here is my AjaxButton which I add to my Form object.

     add(new AjaxButton("okButton", this) {
       protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form<?> form)
         if(form.get("password") != null &&
(PasswordTextField)form.get("password") != null) {
           String userEnteredPassword =
           if(userEnteredPassword != null &&
!userEnteredPassword.equals("") && validPassword(userEnteredPassword))
             //Delete successful; closing window
         error("Invalid password");


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