
I was profiling my Wicket application and noticed that Jetty's
getHeader method was hit quite often.

It turns out the ServletWebRequest.isAjax method is hit quite often by
each of the page elements (I am generating a large HTML report page).
Since the Servlet container may not have optimal design for processing
the getHeader method, I wonder if the ServletWebRequest.isAjax -method
could/should be cached within wicket.

I made the following modification to the ServletWebRequest.isAjax
method, and measured a notable increase in performance:

  public boolean isAjax() {
    if (ajax == null) {
      ajax = false;

      String ajaxHeader = httpServletRequest.getHeader("Wicket-Ajax");
      if (Strings.isEmpty(ajaxHeader) == false)
          ajax = Strings.isTrue(ajaxHeader);
        catch (StringValueConversionException e)
          // We are not interested in this exception but we log it anyway
          log.debug("Couldn't convert the Wicket-Ajax header: " + ajaxHeader);

    return ajax;

However, my question remains: is this a valid optimization or does it
break the Wicket framework? Should it somehow be incorporated in the
next releases?


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